December 07, 2010 04:33:35 PM

Dale E Ahearn






My New Normal


Since I moved and took a desk job 9-5 as a RN they feel we do not warrent the same pay as hospital RN's So I lost $7 an hour to start with a 2-3% raise per annum my raises have not kept up with the cost of living, so I am making less and paying more for everything from re4nt to utilities and food, gas, clothes. Now I won't buy a new car or even a used one cause I can't afford the payment and increase in insurance rates, I am not eating as well cause I can't afford it. I don't travel very far in my car cause I can't afford the gas. I haven't put the heat on until latejust the other day cause I can't afford a high electric bill. Forget putting money in savings. I am living pay check to pay check. If something were to happen to me I would have to move in with one of my adult children. Its sad that you work all your like to end up like this.


10 Muncy Ave Apt 604 West Babylon, NY 11704