December 07, 2010 04:00:26 PM

Ayla Brown








I had the unfortunate luck of graduating into a recession/depression. When I graduated from undergrad I luckily went straight into graduate school for a master's in physics. Now, that I am no longer in graduate school I am unable to find a position in my field. They say science is were all the jobs are but if you have no experience you cannot find a job. So, I'm currently working as an temporary administrative assistant because I can't find a permanent position as an administrative assistant because I'm "too" educated. I'm currently in the process of trying to become a teacher but those positions do not become available until the spring. It's a sad realization to be faced with. I had high hopes of doing research or perhaps become an engineer but I don't fit into the category of 5 or more years of experience. The irony behind my entire employment situation is I work for an organization that hires scientists but I just don't have a Ph.D.


Charlottesville, VA