December 25, 2013 10:36:10 AM

Chris George


Between 1966 and 1967 there were a few amazing conversations between Morton Feldman and John Cage broadcast on WBAI.
At one point they complain about the new transistor radios that the kids are bringing to the beach and all the music that is now heard everywhere in public.
Cage says (to summarize) instead of complaining, he wrote a piece for not one, but 12 radios...

I've been photographing free newspaper boxes for many years (usually with a regular digital camera, but now also with a new iPhone).
The boxes are ugly, clutter the sidewalk and public space, etc. etc. but if one looks closely there is beauty and sometimes funny, political, social information there...

Photos made in Manhattan, Chelsea and Midtown South...


  • Upload your pictures in the form below. You'll need to save the photograph to your local desktop (emailing it to yourself is one option) in order to do so.
  • 2 pictures per person maximum - we're serious!
  • Deadline is Noon, Wednesday, December 25th
  • Oh, and: as tempting as it may be -- no pets or kids (unless they have some news value!) No selfies allowed unless they feature you and the Danish Prime Minister in South Africa.

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