November 15, 2013 01:59:41 PM

lemon juice



4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 fresh lemon, juiced
1 handful of sage leaves
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

1. Marinate boneless chicken breasts with lemon juice, sage, and olive oil for 30-45 minutes.

2. Afterward remove chicken and pat dry. Strain marinade and reserve. Remove sage leaves and put aside for later.

3. Melt butter and 2 tablespoons of olive oil until hot and bubbly. Add one quarter of an onion, sliced from pole to pole. Sauté onions until lightly sweated.

4. Add chicken breasts smooth side down and cook until evenly brown. Turn breasts over and season generously with salt and pepper. Tuck sage leaves around chicken and cook 5-10 minutes more until chicken is lightly browned but still juicy.

5. Remove chicken and onions to platter. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Scatter sage leaves on top and add lemon wedges to plate. Cover with foil to keep warm. Discard fat from skillet.

6. Add reserved lemon marinade into skillet on high heat. Reduce to a glaze. Add tablespoon of butter and pour over chicken and onions. Serve and enjoy!