December 02, 2010 03:22:28 PM



Caller to the Brian Lehrer Show on 12/4/10




Government Services


"One thing that's really getting drained right now due to the economy is non-profit outreach to the communities which is forcing city agencies in New York, specifically the Police Department, which does a great job with its assortment of programs targetting youth. It's gonig to be interesting to see how it can sustain the lack of non-profit and private organizations that used to do outreach that's really necessary in the city, since they're going to the wayside, how is the police department and other agencies like that specifically how are they going to be able to graple with cutting pensions and taking two year hiatuses on pay raises. It's really lucrative becoming a police officer in the city and I think with the type of stuff that they're dealing with it needs to be so."


Queens, NY