November 30, 2010 04:43:09 PM

When Nature Calls...(for the daughter of a gastroenterologist)

This is a gift for my good friend Dayna Goldfine, whose father is a gastroenterologist. One doesn't have to know Dayna long before she regales you with stories her father told sitting around the family dinner table. For example, there was the distraught patient who carried around a tape recorder in his back pocket to record his flatulence. I thought this gift would bring back fond memories of home and hearth for Dayna.

Comments [2]

Elena from New York

Tell Dayna that Helen from Rio says "Hi!" from NYC. I am dismayed that I never heard her stories. My high school career would have been that much richer.

But, wow, I love your charming figurine. Anyone would. In fact, I need one. How did you make it? Did you paint over found objects and glue them together?

Dec. 03 2010 12:43 PM
Susel from misty Albion

I am going to make one of these for all my friends, especially those who are the daughters of gastroenterologists, this holiday season! It is a winning object!

Dec. 02 2010 07:03 PM

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