November 30, 2010 03:48:12 PM

In 1971, I found these rolls of self adhesive lip-shaped stickers of different colors in a dumpster. These different colored lips were used to identify various shades of 'frosty'lipstick sold in the stores.

They were perfectly shaped and I didn't know what to do with them, but thought it would be a waste to just sit in a landfill. I took them home and I put them in a shoebox to use at a later date.

That later date was in 2008, when I met this girl by accident and wanted to get her attention.

Since it was around Christmas, all I could think about is how I would like one kiss from her under the mistletoe. She was always so busy, so I knew I had to find a way to get her attention.

I opened up the shoebox with the rolls of lip-shaped stickers. I knew her age from our past conversation and wanted the project to revolve around that.

I picked out exactly 33 lips from the different colors and start arranging them in a shape of a Christmas tree on a piece of paper. Because the stickers were so old, I just needed a little bit of glue from my glue stick and viola. A perfectly shaped-tree for the woman I knew I was in love with.

I dropped the tree in her mailbox and it wasn't long that we finally went on a date and I got my first kiss from her.

So to celebrate our union, I'm made another one to donate to this year's 13th Annual "Postcards from the Edge," a benefit for Visual AIDS. This will be shown along with 1500 other original postcard-sized artworks by artists at CRG Gallery in December 2010. All postcards are to be sold with the proceeds going to support the work of Visual AIDS.

Comments [2]


Beautiful. Definitely date-worthy gift.

Dec. 03 2010 12:53 PM
E. Lang from NYC

Interesting. What is the current status of this relationship?

Dec. 01 2010 03:36 AM

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