November 30, 2010 03:02:49 PM

My name is Kathy Libraty and I live in Prospect Park South in Brooklyn. My project is called ROCK WORDS and it is very simple. Find some smooth rocks that you can hold in your palm, preferably in light tones. I found my rocks on the Long Island Sound at a beach on the North Fork. Get an indelible fine point marker--mine cost about $1.79 at the art supply store. (Each additional color that you choose to use will be $1.79--so you can use up to 5 colors to stay under $10).
Copy a poem or an interesting quote or make up your own. Our first rocks were inspired by rock song lyrics. For this project (see photo) I used verses from The Raven by Edgar A. Poe. Write them in small print on the rock. I chose to use a spiral circular line, but any line plan will work; you can experiment with pencil first.
I drew a little design in the middle too, but that is not necessary. You don't have to be an artist, just a neat writer.
Credit also goes to my daughter, Elisa, who conceived of this idea while we were vacationing in Greenport, Long Island this past summer. Everyone that has received one of our rocks has been totally delighted!

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