November 30, 2010 11:25:45 AM

I am knitting the depicted socks from leftover yarns I had in my yarn stockpile. I didn't have enough of the black to make a pair of black socks and I didn't have enough of the varicolored yarn to make a pair of varicolored socks, so I am combining them to make my friend a pair of socks. One sock is for his birthday, which is in a couple of weeks, and the other is for Christmas. I didn't have to use one red (or varicolored) cent to "supplement my craft supplies" (extra credit, please) although I am a bit nervous about whether I have enough of the varicolored stuff to finish the second sock in the established pattern -- I may have to work the end of the foot (above the toes)in black. It would serve my friend right for having such big man feet. Anyway, I hope that I don't lose any credit because my project isn't finished. I mean, there are still a few weeks until Christmas, right? I'm sure the Christmas sock will be finished by then.

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