November 12, 2010 02:02:24 PM

A new paint-your-own pottery place opened up around the corner from me, and my husband and I have had our eyes on a ceramic piggy bank. We envisioned ourselves decorating the pig with the names and drawings of the items we'd be saving our coins for. Upon further investigation, we realized the ceramic painted pig bank would cost us more than the bank would even hold, so...I created this craft for poor people. Really poor people.

It's a (Leftover) Piggy Bank. It's a reusable Ziploc container. I cut a slit in the lid, and then wrote on it with Sharpies. The sides display the items we're saving for: That Vest from J.Crew, Cool Shoes, Classes, Plane Tickets, Tickets to Shows, and perhaps most pathetic...A Baby.

I spent $0. But, Oh, the Savings!!

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