November 11, 2010 03:02:28 PM

Winter Bird Magnet

wooden bird shape from craft store
old felted wool sweater scraps
tiny self stick gem for eye
self stick magnetic tape

My daughter Emily and I made these birds with her class as her winter birthday project.

How: Prep by washing an old wool sweater/skirt/coat/blanket in hot water and dry in the dryer. Trace the wooden bird and make a template. Cut the wool into the shape of your bird and cut a contrasting wing and little beak. Glue all the pieces to your wooden bird shape and stick on the gem for an eye. Lastly, cut a piece of the self stick magnetic tape and put a few pieces on the back of the bird. We like to put a few birds in a cute little box and wrap it up with a ribbon - they are irresistible!

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