February 02, 2013 06:47:26 PM

The title of this is Matchitehew and it means "He who has an evil heart". The concept for this came from my pondering over the idea that what people call the battle between good and evil since the days when our native ancestors actually witnessed it first hand.. Heaven/hell, God/Satan, could actually be a tangible and terribly real battlefield fought by not only our self and shadow self but beings who we still have no way of understanding or quantifying. Except completely misunderstood by us over the years as even science has theorized an ultimate being, a creator or engineer of all life in the universe (or multi-verse if you believe.) So wouldn't that being have an anti-particle? Another entity that was born with it as it's shadow self who does the exact opposite but yet isn't 'evil' as we understand it? The concept and image is taking that even further by saying, perhaps this creator was a hyperspace extraterrestrial and what will/would happen if it's dark matter twin visited us before it did. As with all my work, no stock photography or Photoshop filters were used, only my own images carefully blended together.



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