December 27, 2012 11:18:20 PM

Landa Medici


Rahway, NJ


"The Idler Wheel"-Fiona Apple

As a huge Fiona fan I was anxious and slightly nervous for her new album. She takes such time between albums I feared the Fiona I know and love may have been lost since. I WAS RIGHT!!! But, in the best way possible. This album is so, 'earthy' and 'raw'. She doesn't care how great a song will song, just sings what she feels, which I give so much credit for. Fiona fan for life.


"My Heart with You"-The Rescues. So, not released in 2012, but is new to me and has been my obsession since I first heard it in June of 2012. The vocal harmonies are SO FANTASTIC I was convinced it was machine produced at first. The lyrics are heart-wrenching and honest. I'm so sad I didn't hear this when it came out.


"Fun." Although I suppose I have been a fan for years of "The Format" which draws the same lead singer. Pretty catchy, just enjoyable music.


That people still care about Dr.John! I've always been a big fan of the mumbling, old stride piano player with his gritty New Orleans style, but didn't realize anyone else cared. Glad to see I was wrong!


Lenny Kravitz Half-Time show. Good god, how the mighty have fallen. That was the single most BORING thing I have seen since Bush's Inauguration Speech.


Rufus Wainwright on the PBS series "Artists' Den". I was not fortunate enough to have the funds to attend myself but his voice is a national treasure.


Strained female vocals on top of ANY generic Dance beat. For examples, see any David Guetta song.

Apparently the sound of the vocal cords holding on for dear life is the new thing.


"Gangnam Style". The music is terrible and the stupid dance...oh god, that dance. I'm a dance teacher by profession and I cringe when my trained dancers are doing their generations version of "the Macarena". This song is so terrible.

I just don't get it.