December 12, 2012 03:21:04 PM





Sigur Ros "Valtari"

Beautiful album and absolutely gutwrenching at times. A purely visceral listening experience that I haven't had in quite some time. Several tracks would qualify for the "Songs That Give You Chills" segment from last year.


"Myth" by Beach House

Has a wonderful ethereal quality to it that made it my "Summer Song 2012"



Another side-project for Joseph Arthur, but almost everything he does is solid.


"Gangnam Style" by Psy

Who saw that phenomenon coming?....


Great Lake Swimmers "New Wild Everywhere"

Coming off a strong previous release ("Lost Channels") and known for recording in unique locations, they finally move to a traditional studio and lose their unique charm.


Andrew Bird at Riverside Church (12/10/12). Beautiful use of the cathedral space with amazing atmospherics.


Countless viral videos of "Call Me Maybe." My personal favorite is Cookie Monster's "Share Maybe."


"Some Nights" by Fun.

Really grating song by a band that thinks it's clever to use a period at the end of their (one word) name.