May 17, 2012 01:05:10 PM

Gloria McLean


Sculptor KEN HIRATSUKA carves one continuous line in stone around the world- there are already some in NY (25 Bond, Prince & Broadway corner). Love to see a "Mystery Trail" of these stone carvings - like a series of boulders and sidewalks and a guide so people can follow the stone carved pathways and find wonderful hidden parts of New York. He started as street art and then commissions. Make it a city-wide event to include center of city and nature spots as well!


25 Bond Street, East Houston between A-B, Prince & Broadway NW corner

On the Brian Lehrer Show we're talking about public art, and we want to know what public art project you'd propose. Make it simple, make it over-the-top. Make it realistic, or completely impossible! Note: These aren't actual pitches, just a way to share our ideas.