April 08, 2012 11:49:26 PM



It wasn't Jim's first vacation, but it definetely would be his last. "My last one" jim uttered, while bobbing up to the crest of a miserably frothy and bitingly cold wave; Jim swore on it to God himself. If Jim was to favor any part of this particularly wet predicament, it would definitely be geting to the crest of this next wave. For it was there, from atop of the liquid mountain he sighted it, the flash of red caught and held his dying eyes. This turn of events breathed life into his searing soggy lungs. Instead of sinking, jim swam with passion towards the red that reflected in his eye. Most victims of cruise ship abandonment would likely prefer Jim's red salvation to be belonging to the likes of a coast gaurd rescue ship beckon or a life saver at the very least. But not jim, nothing could of been better than this. This was a symbol of personal achievement, it was his Marlborough thermos. ### The coast gaurd crew that plucked Jim from his certain death in that icey blue still laugh about how it toke four grown men to pry that Thermos from Jim's grip. Is he never would've made it if it wasn't for that red thermos. Then again, considering how many cigarettes he had to smoke in order to win that thermos, he probably would have made it. Nowadays when Jim hears his old nickname in passing, "hey, Marlborough man!", not only do his lungs flare but his heart swells too.

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