April 08, 2012 10:30:16 PM



"Five minutes left girls! Go for gold!" I yelled through the crowd and my own ear splitting thoughts.###It was 1-1 and the championship, but I couldn't think about that, much. All my thoughts were consumed by Macey Patrece. She was my finest player, 23 years old and going off to play in Italy professionally. She had platinum blond hair, piercing blue eyes, a wicked smile and a body to match.###We had been dating for the last 2 years but right after the game she was leaving me. She didn't even seem to care, it was ripping my heart out. I was pathetic.###"Thats it Tracey! Just keep trying!" I tried to push my thoughts back but something about the bright stadium lights distracted me and I was back again.###How could this girl do this to me? I was only 30 and still good looking. Just the other day a petite Brunette commented on my dark brown hair and eyes! Why was this girl so special? She's just a person! Right? Oh man... Could I be...? Gulp... In love??? How could this happen? I mean, it's me! The guy who had the whole of the girls sports department wrapped around his finger!###But it must be true because now I couldn't even look at another girl the way I look at Macey. Why had I not figured this out till now? What could I do, stop her? That's stupid! Why am I being so stupid?###”One minute left girls! You can do it!” One minute left? Only one? I can't deal with this. After this game I would never see her again! I didn't even have anything to remember her by.###I looked furtively around, almost frantic. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted it. Her thermos! It was perfect. She took it to every game. She said that her dad had given it to her for her first game when she was 5! She also believed that it was lucky because that very game, she won with the winning goal. Maybe if I was lucky she would come back to me?###I looked around making sure everyone was watching the game, and snatched it up, stashing it in my bag.### “Go Macey! You've got this!” The crowd suddenly yelled as she headed towards the goal. 'Five seconds left on the clock!' I thought to myself, and as if by magic she shot and scored! “Whoo!!!”The crowd yelled as the players exited the field.### “Way to go Macey!” I smiled.### “Oh.. yeah.. Thanks?”### She blew me off with a quick kiss and asked, “have you seen my thermos?”### I shook my head keeping calm. “You must have forgotten it.”### “Oh okay ....Whatever...” She paused. “I thought you needed it?” I asked.### “No, I know I'm good without that thing and this proves it!” I stared at her dumbstruck and, to my horror, she smiled and said bye. I watched as she started to exit the field and... “Macey...” I didn't get to finish as the players circled me cheering.### That was the last time I saw her, it is now five years later. After that I just mopped around for 3 years, three! That was when I met Camille, she was smart, funny and understood me. We have been dating for the last 2 years and tomorrow we're getting married! There's just one more thing to do.### “Excuse me sir, but would your store take this old thermos?”

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