April 08, 2012 04:04:51 PM



Man resale shops always got me in deep trouble and here I am again lugging home the ugliest little doll, why did I buy this , I wonder.##
Sitting it on my kitchen table I went down on the couch for an afternoon nap,

So sooner than I closed my eyes I heard an weird voice asking me for a drink of water###
Jumping straight up I sat shaking, what on earth was that, most likely dreaming was what popped into my mind easing my mind with this thought I curled up and fell sound asleep##
Started to dream that I heard drum beats wide awake again, that's it, jumping up I grabbed the whacko doll and off I went to return it to the store but, there was no store there was I loosing my mind?##
I set the doll down on the grass and ran for home, walked into my kitchen and guess what was sitting on the table? I ran out the door screaming

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