April 06, 2012 02:35:28 PM



The wooden rabbit was always in his hand. He used to joke that if he ever got hit by a car, he'd probably end up using it to teach the EMTs about rabbits in the back of the ambulance. ###

Mostly, though, he just taught whomever happened to be sitting near him at the counter that morning. He ate at the diner every day, and when there weren't any customers, he'd talk to me. I know a lot about rabbits now. If a rabbit ever wandered in and asked -- in rabbit speak -- for two eggs over easy, I have a feeling I'd serve his breakfast up just right.###

"When a rabbit's ears are like this," he'd say, opening it to about 90 degrees, "it means something has caught his attention." ###

"If he kind of nudges you with his nose," he'd say, pushing the small wooden rabbit gently against your shoulder, "it means he's begging." ###

As he talked, he'd stroke the rabbit's back with his forefinger, as if it were alive.###

"Do you know how a happy rabbit sounds?" he'd ask, and click his teeth together, grinding them a little, waiting for you to nod.###

Once, he asked, "You know the worst thing you can hear from a rabbit?" ###

I giggled and said, "What?" expecting a joke. ###

Instead of a punch line, he emitted a short high-pitched shriek, and explained that it's the sound a rabbit makes when it's been mortally wounded. ###

I hope I live the rest of my life without hearing that sound again.

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