April 01, 2012 10:37:02 PM



Once in a little town called Geutensburg, there lived a very famous navy general. His name was general Evenson. He was one of the most famous of all navy generals, has saved thousands of lives and has served the army for well over forty years. He had a son named Greg, but he never got to see him, as he was always away at war. One day when he was back in Geutensburg visiting his son, he gave his son a strange wood block with screws and opens. Evenson was going away on a long journey, and he wanted to give his son something special, something to remind Greg of him. He said to Greg that this block of wood has been in the family for centuries, and Evenson wanted to pass the wood block to him. Greg was very polite, and accepted the gift, but after his father left he threw the block away. “What is the point of this piece of junk?” he asked. “He could of given me something better. I don’t care if it has been in the family for a long time. Why this?” He pondered this question for 7 years, until one day, news spread of Evenson, who apparently died in battle. Greg was devastated by this news, and on top of that, he had thrown away the only item he had to remind him of his father. He knew that the wood block should be long gone by now, but he had to try to find it. He owed it to his father. After some research, he found out that the block of wood was an extremely valued object among navy generals, and is believed to grant a safe journey to whoever possesses it. The thing is, other countries hoped to get their hands on this object as well. There have been several bloody wars fought over this already, and the only thing that Evenson could do to prevent another war would be to pass it on to Greg. He had hoped it would be safe in Greg’s hands, but not so. As to where the block is now, resources say that one of Evenson’s friend’s had it. His name is Ralph, a retired soldier that was one of Evenson’s close friends. He had found it in a junkyard, and having recognized it, he took it home. Greg found Ralph’s address and began his trip to Ralph. The last time Ralph had seen Greg was when Greg was a little baby. Now that he is 23 years old, Ralph did not recognize him until he introduced to himself. Greg was welcomed in to the house and he explained his situation. It turns out that the object was stolen from Ralph a couple days ago. When Greg asked who stole it, all Ralph had was a fuzzy photo of the robber, dark trench coat, fedora, and a slash scar across his face. It image did not give a lot, but it was enough to trigger a memory in Greg’s mind. It was when he was three years old, and his father was home visiting. There was a man with the same scar, who he later found out was his uncle. Him and Evenson were arguing, and suddenly, during the argument, his uncle ran out the door, never to reappear again. He never learned his name, all he remember was that scar. On the night of the robbery, Ralph was able to follow Greg’s uncle to his house, where there was a fire. With a swift movement Greg’s uncle whipped the block out of his pocket and into the fire before Ralph could do anything. Greg, knowing that there was no hope in saving the block now, returned home sadly.

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