April 01, 2012 09:06:22 PM



“What does Dad do?” “You know, I don't think I know for sure.” Katie was trying to not say###
anything bad about her ex-husband. Instead, she tried to re-direct the conversation. “Do you have a### pencil?” “No, why?” “Just...I was thinking, I can't remember the number for the school's nurse. Could### you write it down for me?” “Sure, but why do you need it?” Katie now had to come up with an###
excuse. She was never good at lying, but this was important. “In case you get sick, you know, like,###
you can't eat or something?” “That's lame. Are you sure you're OK?” Katie had no answer. Just some###
odd looking scrap of wood. The number written on it made no sense to her. “Is this it?” “No, that's###
Mr. Schuyler's art project.” “No, I mean the number.” “Now you're starting to worry me.” Katie started###
to speak, but could only sigh. “You're right, I guess, it is silly.” “NOW you're making sense.”

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