March 28, 2012 11:43:54 AM

Muriel Stockdale


This symbol means - I enter world and greet you with love. The world is the circle, I am the top line which is shown partially out of world to honor that we are greater than our form. The you is the bottom Y which not only means other people but all others - animals, plants, oceans and the earth itself. The V which separates I and Y is love.
This symbol is activated, standing tall, arms outstretched reaching for participatory peace and not passive expecting peace to land on us. It is like a tree of life, or a rune of the sacred man, the transendent man that contains and represents all things. In representing I You and the interaction between us in world it also speaks to the idea of Father, Son and Holy Ghost - that triun celebrated and honored in all religions and philosophies considering how we interact with our reality is our choice. It is a core issue which when shifted permits us to live in love and harmony instead of enmity. I know we can do it.