March 25, 2012 05:35:32 PM



His calloused hands rubbed the stubble of his face, scratching away at the dried grime that had found comfort in between his whiskers. The chair he sat in was an old plaid, once a bright yellow was now a faded pale smoker’s yellow, only in certain light did you see it’s once cheerful yellow. His boots were caked with soot and left prints that led to the front door, their dismembered chaotic patterns were strewn across the floor, slowly calming down and taking their place back at his feet. His shirt was halfway open and un-tucked and in his lap was a strange doll its face smiling upwardly at him, its rainbow ribbon wrapped around it caressed is fingers, giving them small soft kisses. The man gave the little dolls blue shoes one kiss each and sighed, petting the doll’s little black tuft of hair he placed it in his lap. Taking his hands he rubbed his face and shut his eyes. His face now all covered in soot, broken now be the small streams of tears that poured out of his eyes. He looked back to the doll, its little red smile looking up at him and its disproportionate eyes seizing his gaze. Scooping it up he held it close to his face, there the doll laid it’s comfort but no closure.

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