February 29, 2012 07:14:24 PM



There will always be conflict. I hope that the devastating violence of the 20th century has taught us, however, that war is never the answer to those conflicts. The violence we see today proves just what slow learners humans are. As we move forward into the 21st century, the ever increasing human population and its greedy consumption of resources threaten the world as a whole. This includes, ironically, the existence of humanity. We all need to remember that respectful connection, with one another and the earth, is more productive than conflict. We also need to remember that the pen is mightier than the sword and, in this fast-paced world, take time to think about what we say and do. Each of us needs to make our actions constructive and not destructive. That said, will we be able to live in a manner that avoids World War III? If we don't make some serious changes, I have my doubts.

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