February 28, 2012 07:02:27 PM

Michael Hill


Of course war is not inevitable. But war will continue as a human affliction as long as fear is at the foundation of people's beliefs and emotions.

One earlier submission by Mike H. alluded to the discussion of "politics, religion, geography and resources, power, and wealth" as necessary to answer this quesion. Yet all of those complex factors are secondary to the root cause of war.

Humankind's dealings in every one of those areas reflects deep fear, and it's attendant possessivenes, greed, selfishness, distrust, insecurity, suspicion, hatred and self-righteousness. Those emotions are real, but they are not immutable facts of physical reality. They are, in fact, mutable. They reflect choices that people make.

So the fact is that war is not inevitable. Human beings are choosing to continue its existence by our submission to and embrace of fear.

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