February 17, 2012 01:52:12 PM

Judith Hand


Is War Inevitable? Absolutely not!
As a species, we do possess evolved traits that make us susceptible to making war. The actual behavior, though, is context dependent. It is not a genetic trait like hair color or aspects of our physiology that are inevitably expressed. It only emerges under certain conditions of our physical and social environment. And if we decide to embrace a culture that rejects war, we are perfectly capable of putting an end to it. Ending war is a matter of knowledge (understanding what conditions bring it on) and will (deciding to change our cultures in ways that suppress urges to dominate others using violence). The vast majority of people on this planet would love to live without war…they just need to find a way to escape the cultural rut we have dug for ourselves.
I have built an entire website devoted to the proposition that we can create A Future Without War (www.AFutureWithoutWar.org). And if we had a united and powerful global will to do it, I give reasons and examples to explain why we could accomplish that astounding feat in two generations or less.
The site’s background perspective is heavily biological, behavioral, anthropological, and primatological. You will find there essays, blogs, a link to a video explaining the causes of war and how to end it, and much more.
In short, what you will find there is knowledge and hope.

: Unable to find video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRu-4O4AFYM.

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