February 14, 2012 12:00:23 AM



Oregon, almost equidistant between Portland and the Pacific Ocean.


da Freak


Me, myself and I (we all collect).


Mostly everything rock music. Albums, 45's, CDs, concert posters, sheet music, ticket stubs, old rock magazines and many oddball music items. Also have a very cool collection of Austin, TX. Armadillo pieces, Roof Garden Ballroom, Arnolds Park, Iowa and NW 1970's concert poster collection thats fairly comprehensive.


These are all things I LIKE. Not pieces I bought for investment purposes but rather physical pieces I enjoy looking at, listening to and smelling:).


45s -1000
Concert Posters-475
Sheet music-300
Magazines - oodles
8-Tracks only 40-50 from the old Mach 1 days.

Stories, limitless and priceless. I've played foosball with the Monkees, taken Jerry Jeff's boots off and sang "bob Away My Blues" with Doug Gray on the MTB tour bus. Lots of crazy stories I can't print.


Much of it is displayable, in racks. Other pieces in containers and in every nook ands cranny of the house, office and garage. My wife would like about 75% of this collection to be sold off. She has been understanding though for an interior decorator.


Well, I am a real normal I lie person. I lecture, teach and preach the gospel of rock. I have had two gallery exhibits and spoke at a pub session last Fall. I share as much as I can with friends so they always enjoy my packages that arrive in the mail. Someday I will write a book about how all day long music lyrics pop into my head when just about anything is said...

I think I was even on a few folks phone a friend list when Who Wants to Be A Millionaire was popular for the rock n roll questions. My personal statement is, "I know a lot about rock n roll but I don't know everything". I try and keep this experience all FUN!


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