February 13, 2012 11:01:40 PM

Daniel B


Human sacrifice, slavery, divine right of kings, subjugation of women. These are just some of the social institutions that ,at some point in history, people wondered whether or not they were inevitable. The same is true of war. It's possible that we'll be able to end war and it's possible that war will end humanity. The answer depends on us. If humanity can figure out how to curtail extremist ideologies and continue to spread liberal democracy through out the world, in some form or another, there's a good chance that in a century, war will follow the same trajectory that slavery followed. Perhaps much of the reason for this might be due to economics. Like slavery, as war becomes economically unprofitable, especially if the world economic continues to integrate, war will be bad for business.

Comments [1]

Daniel B from Brooklyn, NY

I forgot to mention Kant's theory of Perpetual Peace: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_peace . Any discussion about war and peace isn't complete without factoring in these ideas, especially the modern social science research that has started to provide evidence for this theory. Robert Wright also develops an argument within the Perpetual Peace camp in his book Nonzero: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonzero:_The_Logic_of_Human_Destiny

Feb. 14 2012 08:07 PM

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