February 13, 2012 12:31:46 PM

Sal D'Addezio


War is inevitable, as long as the "Ego" and "Super Ego" (Freud's terms, not mine)remain as a basic brain function of the human psyche. As long as one faction "Thinks" it is superior over another faction i.e. WW2, white v. black, sheite(sp.) v. sunni there will be conflicts. Now here is the rub, that will never happen. Another reason I feel War is inevitable is religious differences. More people have been killed in the name of "God" over the millenia than in any land grab conflict. I cite the "Jewish Insurrection" in ancient Rome, which led to Roman Legions trying to erase that population to the Muslim invasions across the Mediteranian (convert or die) that led to the "Holy Crusades" to the Tamil Tigers and finaly the Taliban "Jihad".
I don't want to come off sounding like a pessimist, I would love to live in a world of the 1960's mindset of "Peace, Love & Tranquility" but from where I am sitting I don't see it happening soon, and worse yet I don't see it ever happening.

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