February 13, 2012 10:00:52 AM

Pam Brown


If humanity is to survive, war will have to end. Our ability to destroy ourselves is greater then ever before. It is much easier to go to war then to not. War is the ultimate manifestation of the great fear that resides in all of us and the need to protect ourselves. We obviously cannot weaponize ourself out of war, a great fallacy. The end of war can only come from the majority of people realizing that this way of resolving conflict is not working as almost all wars are the result of the previous wars and conflict. There is no where to go anymore with this but to stop. Ending war cannot be something that comes from the outside, ending war has to be an inner realization. Often in our daily lives we exhibit the same behavior that create wars in a larger thru our judgements of others, our greed, etc. Ending war will come with a consciousness shift and I do believe that will come as you can see the very beginning of that shift now.....I hope!

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