February 11, 2012 10:45:31 AM



No, not soon, especially in the Middle East.

As long as Israel Firsters can buy U.S. foreign policy and keep the focus away from the real issue (i.e., land stolen from Palestinians, and the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees) and towards noise issues (e.g., terrorism, a supposedly democratic Israel as an ally rather than a deadly liability, religion, rapture, Arab primitivism, etc.), then war there will persist.

I wish WNYC would crack down hard on Israel, instead of gingerly side-stepping the core land issue so as not to upset its listeners (supporters/sponsors) who desperately need a realistic look at the core of the matter, rather than those silly dreamy 'kibbutz' paint-jobs. (Sometimes, when I hear a WNYC segment on Israel, I feel embarrassed for you!) Even the Car Guys should be more critical of Israel!! :)

The whole set of the terms of debate is shfting in a very basic way. Please don't be caught on the wrong (and ugly) side of this issue. WNYC should take a deep breathe, fast-forward about ten years to catch up with the real debate, and go for it! Sorry for the long post!

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