February 11, 2012 10:24:55 AM



The promo asks "will men ever stop fighting wars," and here the question is "will humans ever stop..."

The question is "Will MEN ever stop fighting wars?" and I'd think that needs to be acknowledged from the get-go.

Comments [3]


Obviously, women can't fight wars because they lack the strength and stamina of men. Additionally, a woman's monthly period is a serious weakness to have to deal with while in the trenches.

Men fight wars because women can't.

Apr. 28 2012 09:49 AM

Re the predisposition of young men to violence, see the book "Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence," by Dale Peterson and Richard Wrangham. Young adult males are the vector of the preponderance of violence, in chimps and humans. Who populates (a) soccer riots, (b) political riots, (c) riots of any kind, (d) our prisons, (e) armies? Think also of violent and humiliating hazing in (a) colleges, (b) prisons, (c) police departments, (d) the military, etc.

The wishful thought that we "could" be more like bonobos than chimpanzees is belied by our patent history, I'm afraid.

Feb. 14 2012 06:28 AM

I'm with you, Janie. See the book Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence, by Dale Peterson and Richard Wrangham. Young adult males are the vector of the preponderance of violence, in chimps and humans. Who populates (a) soccer riots, (b) political riots, (c) riots of any kind, (d) our prisons, (e) armies? Think also of violent and humiliating hazing in (a) colleges, (b) prisons, (c) police departments, (d) the military, etc.

Boys be bad.

Feb. 13 2012 07:45 AM

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