February 09, 2012 07:33:55 PM





Cloth, fabric, thread, sewing machine -- the raw materials for clothing, or we could try and summarize it by saying "The Garment Industries/District"


From "shmattas" to haute coiture, the clothing trade is still a strong economic engine and vital part of NYC.

At the turn of the last century the garment trades provided work to immigrants who were looking to make better lives for themselves and their families.

The rise of the sweatshops led directly to major changes we take for granted -- modern fire codes, workplace safety, and the labor movement.


Comments [1]

Ayala Cohen from Far Rockaway, NY

Matt, you beat me to it. I was going to nominate a sewing machine. For all the reasons that you so eloquently stated.

Feb. 10 2012 09:22 AM

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