February 09, 2012 05:58:23 PM

Dan Higgins




A Spaldeen (others have done this already)

By the way - if you called it a "Spalding", you didn't live in the part of the Bronx I did! (Wakefield)


Every child in NYC played with one (before video games)

You will find them EVERYWHERE in the city - on rooftops, in sewers, on El tracks, on fire escapes.

Off the point / Stickball / Punchball / Boxball / Hit the stick all required a Spaldeen.

You would stand in the 5&10 holding one ball in each hand head-high. Drop them both, then take the higher-bouncer. Then take another out of the box, and repeat until you had the highest bouncer in the box.

And you had a straightened coat hanger with a loop on the end to fish them out of the storm drains.

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