February 01, 2012 04:02:15 PM

Virginia Thomas


New York City


The "I <heart> NY" logo


Because it speaks to the essence of New York. This a city in which the heart is central to a day here. New York pulses. It attracts lovers of art, music, fashion, business, food, entertainment, travel, news, fame, sports, and includes seekers of all kinds. The subway map even looks like our arteries!

Be it a lifetime, or a one day visit, one may grow or recoil from being here but we are never the same. In this way NY is a city of risk. It is a human city where we find people in their rawest and most glorious forms.

Bravo New York for giving us vibrancy, intensity, passion and - even – lust without ever missing a beat.

Happy Valentine's Day NY!

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