January 27, 2012 11:08:07 PM

vince passaro


New York Morningside Hts


The alternate side of the street parking sign


A defining parameter of life for many many New Yorkers, especially back when in effect six days a week. Nobody loves a Jewish holiday (now Muslim too, plus the Catholic Days of Obligation) like a New Yorker with a car on the street. Harken back to the episode of the Odd Couple when Oscar wins a car. And finally goes to a garage, he can't take the parking anymore. John Biner is the attendant. Oscar scoffs at the price: "For $125 a month it could have two rooms and a bath." Biner is not disturbed: as O & F depart, he shouts, "You'll come crawling back on your hands and knees.... just like my mother."


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