January 27, 2012 01:00:04 AM

James Malchow


United States


1. Piece of cable or steel rope (Representing bridges and the growth of buildings upward with elevators)

2. Suitcase (Like the ones at Ellis Island museum)

3. Beads (Signifying Indians)

4. Beaver skin hat (the economic reason for Dutch settlement in the 17th century...the beaver trade)

5. Spool of Thread (Representing Triangle Fire, NY's role in development of workplace safety, ILGWU, and the garment industry)

6. A piece of Broadway or Tin Pan Alley sheet music.

7. Seat from Ebbets Field (Or Yankee Stadium or Polo Grounds, representing NY baseball dominance from 1920's to 1950's)

8. Something representing the African Burial Grounds and the political fight over their preservation (Symbolizing NY race relations from earliest days to present)

9. A bench from St. Paul's Chapel with all the nicks from the 9/11 rescue workers sleeping on them.

10. The dents in the wall of the J.P. Morgan building on Wall street from when Wall Street was bombed in 1920. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VB5qje4zQTA/TI2FNshRYyI/AAAAAAAADbg/JZBP0-CCaZo/s1600/23+Wall+Street.jpg


I gave my compiled list of ten objects.

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