January 24, 2012 11:31:53 PM

Parker Gambino


Brewster, NY


Parker Gambino




I create portraits of musicians as they perform. Some are graphite pencil, some are colored pencil, some are watercolor/gouache. When the performance is finished I have them autograph the work.


There are other sketchers out there who are capturing live performances. Mine have the added cachet of the autograph. After I took the photo I remembered that I had one from a John Schaefer-hosted event (Alloy Orchestra playing a live movie soundtrack at Winter Garden), which would have been even more special, but, oh well.


About 200 portraits, including some authors reading from or discussing their work in public presentations.


The portraits are contained mostly in a dozen or so sketch books, interspersed with subway riders, other fellow travelers, waiting-on-line people, and sundry subjects. The sketchbooks fit nicely on a closet shelf, but the framed prints are a bit bulky and, when not on display, have their own shelf in a basement cabinet.


Occupies relatively little real estate and is not an issue.


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