January 23, 2012 03:34:27 PM

Darren Revilla


Milltown, NJ

Rutgers University Area


Darren Revilla


It's Me


Records: 78s, LPs and 45s.

Antique Phonographs (a few)

Vintage Audio Gear


The Record Habit has gone from a collection to as business.

What was once a basement room full of Vinyl has grown to three rooms (or at least shelves in those rooms) and a storage unit of Shellac. The entirety of the collection doubles as stock to sell to other collectors throughout the world.

I am always on the hunt to buy whole collections from those who no longer have room in their homes or their lives for them.


45,000 to 50,000 pieces.

A majority of that number is shellac 78rpm discs.

There are many pieces of audio gear as well: Tubes, Tube Amps, Victor Talking Machines, Turntables, A Jukebox, speakers etc.


There is one full room in the basement. One sizable shelving unit in the family room, and an entire wall in what was once the laundry room, but is now my shipping room.

In addition to those items stored in my home, there is a 10" x 20" storage unit just up the road that is filling up quickly.


Despite the size of the collection, my family and I still live a normal life.

Yes there are, at times, records all over the house. But I tend to be organized and I hate clutter. As soon as things pile up too high, I clean up and move the items I have no room or need for. By keeping on top of what is coming and going, our home is clean, safe and livable at all times.

The collection causes no problem for my wife and kids. They all love music as much as I do and being surrounded by all these options is good for all of us.

As stated above I have turned the collection into a business and I now make a living selling antique records all over the world via online resources.

My wife, believe it or not, is very supportive of me.


Comments [3]

Darren is a good friend and record buddy of mine going on nigh unto 13+ years. Over the years I've seen his collection change as his tastes change; as to be expected. It's always a treat to have a listening party with Darren, his ear is open to everything that was ever pressed in vinyl.

Jan. 24 2012 11:48 AM

Echoing Matt's comments above, Darren is a real resource for those (such as myself) who want to get started in the wonderful world of vinyl, minus some of the audiophile arrogance that can accompany this hobby. When I called Darren for some advice on equipment, he said, "So you've got the bug." I said, "Yes." He replied with "Well I can't help you get rid of it, I can only enable your new habit." Darren's a great dude . . . as well as a supercollector.

Jan. 23 2012 11:38 PM
matt ballman from highland park N.J.

The best thing about Darren is that although his collection is enormous, he never became a creepy record guy. For him it's not a compulsion, It's a passion & that is a fine line but one that is entirely clear to collectors of anything.

Jan. 23 2012 08:31 PM

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