January 23, 2012 01:37:48 PM

Paul Pelkonen


Sunset Park, Brooklyn NY


Paul Pelkonen




CDs mostly. Over 6,000 classical, rock, jazz country enough to start a record store.


It is comprehensive in its coverage, split between classical music, electronica, rock, metal, opera, jazz. It has seperate sections and is well organized. There are soundtracks, world music, and even Garrison Keillor monologues.


Over 6,000.


In my apartment. It has its own wall, with four large IKEA Billy bookcases. There are also two months worth of Mp3s in the hard drive of my Mac, most of which are from the collection.


It allows me to do my work writing a classical music and opera blog Superconductor. (http://super-conductor.blogspot.com) But when it wasn't organized it was a source of strain in our home. Organizing it took almost a month.


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