Comment Guidelines

Consider yourself a Takeaway contributor

Add your perspective to any issue by leaving comments on the site.
To keep the discussion constructive, we have a few basic guidelines:

Be civil: Please respond insightfully and respectfully. There is room for disagreement, but please disagree with people's ideas. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Stay on topic: Keep comments about a given story with that story, so that people can find and respond to them. Story suggestions or comments about the show as a whole should be emailed to

Keep it short: Limit your posts to about 300 words. If one has to scroll to read your comment, it's probably too long.

Review your comment: Think of this as a mini-essay. Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation make it easier for everyone to understand your ideas.

Links are OK, but don't paste articles: If you find a relevant article, include a link or a (short) excerpt, along with why you think it's relevant to the discussion at hand.

We welcome your thoughts, but we reserve the right to remove or edit comments for guideline violations, including excessive length. Thanks for being a part of The Takeaway!


If you have any questions about The Takeaway, or comments guidelines, please contact